Young and Empowered Social Workers, Campus, Emplyoment and Early Career: Strengthening of the Social Welfare Workforece in Indonesia

Provinsi: DKI Jakarta

Webinar Young and Empowered Social Workers, Campus, Emplyoment and Early Career: Strengthening of the Social Welfare Workforece in Indonesia. 

Amira Nadia S (UIN, Final-year Student/SWS)
Ahmad Zulfa Budi (Pekerja Sosial, Dinas Sosial Kota Bandung)
Setyaning Esti Rokhani (Save the Children Indonesia)
Omar Mohamed (Director of IFSW Europe Project)

Dipandu oleh Moderator:
Tiara Salsabila (UNPAD, Final-year Student)

Pukul 09.00 – 12.00 WIB (2-UTC)
Meeting ID : 2975328245
Passcode: WSWD2022
Link zoom :

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